The Dogface Artist — Chris Wagstaff

The First NFT collection on Opensea 100% hand drawn by a Veteran Artist that is solely focused on supporting Veteran causes.

Chris Wagstaff is an Army Veteran with an Operational Tour under his belt. He is a qualified teacher, fitness coach and self taught artist. He has self published a 70,000 word fantasy novel and draws for 7–10 hours daily. His goal is to become a full time NFT artist, comic creator and author.

Chris AKA The Colonel within the Dogface community, has applied the same level of dedication as he did to his military career, to produce this amazing and unique NFT collection. This collection is 100% hand drawn, truly unique and will become part of NFT and DAO folklore in years to come.

Hand Drawn by Chris Wagstaff



Dogface Army NFT

Dogface Army is run by Army Veterans and is a community driven, utility based NFT project that supports Veterans causes.